It's Monday and that means a new Man Crush for the week!
I am going to be doing something different from now on and see how it goes. With all the changes Facebook is making that will affect authors and our ability to self-promote ourselves and such, I'm going to be turning my focus on my webpage as well as my Instagram and Twitter accounts. I will be posting on Mondays for what my plans are for the week, Tuesdays for teasers, Fridays with a weekly wrap up and my weekend reads, and cover reveal and release days as well as posts about ARCs I have read for other authors. So, today is day one of something new. I'm not used to sharing a whole lot about myself because honestly I'm a private person. But here we go! My weekend was a pretty laid back one which happens often in our house. The rain on Saturday kept my oldest from doing his tackle scrimmage so we took our boys to see Alpha. They loved it and it wasn't half bad for us, just really predictable. I don't write on the weekends unless I'm home alone which never happens, so last night while the warden caught up on Shameless, I worked on an outline for My Cowboy #5, Hunter's book which will be titled "She's No Cowgirl." So while y'all are getting ready for Aspen and Dylan's story in My Cowgirl coming out this Thursday, I'm working my way toward the next story. I honestly never thought I would be writing any of the kids' stories but they are steadily coming to me. BUT that isn't what my writing is consisted of for the week. I am well of a third into the fourth Moto X book which will follow Jax's storyline. There are some similar scenes from Roosted, Cased, and even Pinned in it but none of it is focused on Axle and Paige. Kind of like what I did with My Cowboy and Faith in My Cowboy. I'm also thinking up something else I may release on this website or in a newsletter, but it is still being developed. Don't forget that I'm having a release party starting at 5 pm EST on Thursday to celebrate My Cowgirl's release. Book number 10! I can't believe I've reached this milestone! Those are my plans for the week. I'll see you later with a teaser from My Cowgirl tomorrow. With love, Brooke
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February 2025