This week has quite possibly been one of the longest ones of my life. Between funeral arrangements, getting a video done, balancing work and keeping my head above water, as well as finding the time to grieve the loss of my grandpa I am left exhausted.
For the last several weeks I have been unable to write and at the time I didn't realize why I lacked the ability to get focused on anything. I now know it was because I needed to focus my attention on my grandpa and my family. Yesterday was the first day I didn't have to worry about getting something done in time for my grandpa's service on Thursday. I took the day to recover and now I feel ready to start writing again on Monday. I have something a little darker I'm really excited to dig into. I'm also putting together a giveaway for my newsletter. I'm getting closer to a milestone with subscribers and I am going to offer a $25 Amazon gift card for anyone who signs up now until the end of the month. It will be pinned to the top of my page on Facebook so be on the look out. ;) x Brooke
The smell of the mountains after the rain is finished watering us from the heavens, the strong scent of oil, grease, and gas blended with dust, dirt, and exhaust fumes, the aroma of plain black coffee with plain cake donuts are every single smells that make me think of you. Surrounded by family; my mom and aunts chattering away, kids running around playing, pictures being passed around, a great grandmother who looks just like one aunt, one cousin uploading videos, another writing away summing up the life of the amazing man who was our grandpa, supportive husbands, my brother going through your wallet for membership cards, and me sitting in the middle of it taking it all in. Friday, April 14th, a light went out in our family. My grandpa passed away peacefully in his home, in his bed just the way he wanted. Shock still gripped me when the news came to me and I've slowly gathered myself to help my family out. My grandpa was a man of few words so growing up I became used to being surrounded by silence. I loved him dearly. I accepted the man he was; trustworthy, a pillar of this community, and a humble man. The first Easter without him was difficult but gathering with my family helped to make it okay. Working together to bring so many aspects of his life into a single article and then translating it into a video helped me through the last few days. Today sitting in the funeral home was hard but my mom needed me.
I don't do well with opening up about my life and prefer to not have the focus on me but I felt I should share some of the thoughts I have had. I feel blissed to be around the crazy family I have. This week was a long one for me and my family but we had a bright light as well. My grandpa was in the Korean Conflict. He was a sailor aboard the USS Hector and worked down in the engine rooms. He doesn't talk about his experience much, at least I never heard him say much, but it is something he and all of us in the family are proud of. 64 years have come and gone and my grandpa went without any recognition for his part in the conflict until this last Thursday, April 6th, 2017. Some of my family gathered to celebrate and congratulate my grandpa on finally receiving his Korean Peace Medal.
He has never been much of a talker usually setting on "Shit, sis" or "Yeah", "I'll be damned" or making some strange sound none of us have ever been able to put into text. He held me as I touched my first deer, helped me catch my first fish, and taught me about shit, literally, I learned all sorts of different animal crap from this man. My feelings were never hurt when he couldn't remember my name and called me sis instead. After all, he has two sisters, four daughters, six granddaughters, and five great granddaughters, it has to be hard to remember all of us. I'm honored to know this strong sailor. Proud to call him my grandpa. And thrilled to teach my kids and someday WAY down the road my grandchildren what he has taught me. Love ya, Forecast Floyd! |
January 2025