It's that time of the month again! I got busy making potato salad and starting an outline so I almost forgot about this. Without further delay, let's get started!
First up is Ransom by Callie Rhodes. It's a continuation of her Omegaverse series but different from the ones she came out with last year. Goodreads Amazon Jayce by Amber Monroe. I love my shifter books, but I couldn't really get into this one. Goodreads Amazon Laws of Physics: Space by Penny Reid is the second book in this trilogy. I really enjoy Penny's unique romances. Goodreads Amazon Laws of Physics: Time by Penny Reid Goodreads Amazon Elements of Chemistry: Heat by Penny Reid. I started this series a long time ago but when I saw it was on KU, I picked it back up. Goodreads Amazon Elements of Chemistry: Capture by Penny Reid. Goodreads Amazon The Wild Interview by K.A. Knight. I LOVED her Den of Vipers and have tried several of her other books since. Nothing has captured me like that one did, but it might be a fit for you. Goodreads Amazon A Pack of Storms and Stars by Olivia Wildenstein. I've waited for this book and it did not disappoint. Goodreads Amazon Black Hills Blessing by A.C. Wilson. A great continuation of her series. Goodreads Amazon Black Hills Rebel by A.C. Wilson Goodreads Amazon Spider by Isla Madden-Mills. I didn't realize she had written another book in this series and it was not disappointing. Goodreads Amazon Royal Charmer by Kylie Gilmore. I'm slowly making my way through this entertaining series of royals. Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble Endurance by Amy Daws. I never turn down an entertaining book, Amy goes a different route with this one but the ending! LMAO! Goodreads Amazon Last but not least is Mr. Somebody by Tracie Douglas. If you're looking for a steamy billionaire read, pick this up! Goodreads Amazon And that's my July in books! I hope you find something to read in this list. Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading! x Brooke
Ever hear the term "dryer than a popcorn fart"? It's the truth here in the 307. Montana too. There is currently a fire in the mountains that is 0% contained and leading to a lot of smoke in the air. I wish there was a way the flood waters from the south could have been brought up north. We didn't get the snow pack we typically get. I worry about the landscapes I love so much, but there are places that are still green which is nice to see.
But enough of my sad news. The ideas are flowing like crazy for me right now. Especially while watching the shooting sports at the Olympics. I have something new planned to kick off 2023 and will be starting that book soon. Right now, I'm finishing up one last book for next year. This one I can't share much on yet. But I have a ending planned that will hopefully be amazing! That's all for me this week. We have an archery shoot coming up this weekend with my brother visiting and hopefully cooler temps around the corner. Have a great week! x Brooke Beautiful, isn't it? This is one of my favorite places to go and fish for the day while my kids play in the timber lining the lake, but this weekend, once again, nothing was biting. It's okay though. The peace and cooler temperatures were worth becoming a giant walking dust ball that came with driving a four-wheeler behind my parents. I'm still trying to get dust out of my eyes and that was two days ago!
The ride with my oldest on the back gave me a new idea for down the road but mostly, it was the peace I always find in the mountains that I needed. Today, I'm diving back into a book I can't talk about yet. I had an epiphany with it and now going back to add some parts that I'm hoping will make the story that much better. Have you had a chance of reading Taking Flight yet? There's currently a paperback giveaway going on my Facebook page for it. I'll be closing it tonight and announcing the winner tomorrow. That's all from me this week. It's going to be a hot one. Have a great one. x Brooke How do I spend the weekend following a summer book release? Fishing on the mountain, of course!
A little history. I have always fished with a kid's pole and have just made the switch to an adult one. Not sure if it's going to do me any good considering one of my first casts landed my lure in a tree and my dad decided he'd be the one to climb it to get me unhooked. Yes, I have pictures. Nothing we tried got those fishies biting; lures, worms, or even flies. I think we got there too late and they had already eaten, but we can only get my mom up so early. It was a great day for family even with us missing two members. Riding the dirt roads of the Bighorn Mountains always lead to inspiration for my stories. And this trip was no different. I've got a couple of new story ideas in my notebook now. Now, to Taking Flight. Have you read it yet? The story isn't as long as Courage of Us, but it still is packed with meaning to me. In high school, I hung out with more guys than girls and all the characters in this series are similar to one of them. No way will I reveal who is who, but like the guys who were always like brothers to me, my guys in the Code of Honor Series hold a special place in my heart. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did writing it. If you know the characters from the prologue in Courage of Us, next up will be Chase and he'll be come back home to Centennial! In other news, it's rodeo week here. My hometown's equivalent to to Mardi Gras. Rodeo performances start Wednesday night and go through Saturday. We aren't going this year, but I will be down at the parade on Friday passing out bookmarks. I'm ready to get WYO'D! Have a great week! x Brooke I want to write a book.
So, I did. As I'm gearing up for Taking Flight's release this week, I can't help but turn my attention to my next release in October. The Mating Call will be the first in a new series of mountain lion shifters. This field has been a common scenery throughout my childhood and has bled into my adult one. I always wondered what it would be like to have a town up here. A true mountain town that was simple and maybe ran more by a family than anything else. So, Long Claw was created. Finally, I'm putting my dreams to a fictional reality. There's more than what the picture shows, open area all the way around me as we drove to where we would be hiking for the day yesterday. Anyways, enough about that book. Want to know the inspiration for Taking Flight? It's simple. It all started with talking with another author that there aren't many female leads in romance named Jody. It took off from there. I have a neurodivergent mind so it works in a super strange way that most don't understand. It's also inspired by a group of guys I hung out with in high school. There's a piece of each of them in the Code of Honor series. This week, I wrap up the second draft of another book coming out next year, another cowboy romance. I hope you had a great Fourth of July if you celebrated. We hiked, had dinner with my parents, and then stayed home to binge watch Dragon Ball. Have a fantastic week! x Brooke |
February 2025