One may wonder why it is always Monday where you find it the most difficult to find focus. Is it because of the weekend of doing other things that now it's back to structure getting back on task seems next to impossible?
I'm not sure if that's it for me today. Instead, it's the fact I want to write this book so much I can't wrap my head around what way I need to go to get the ball rolling. Instead, I'm distracting myself with thinking of what to write here today. I don't have much else to share. So, I'll leave this short and sweet. Have a great one! x Brooke
Here we are, the end of October and Wyoming has snow and ice. The snow I don't mind, the ice on the other hand is a massive pain especially when there are people who don't know how to drive on it. I was able to wear shorts up until this past weekend and now it's pants, my fuzzy boots, and hoodies. And plenty of books to help keep me warm.
Here are the books I read for October: Viking Thunder by Emmanuelle De Maupassant Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble Lion of Twilight by Kathryn Le Veque Goodreads Amazon Wood You be Mine? by Daphne Elliot Goodreads Amazon Shattered Secrets by Lilian Harris Goodreads Amazon Savage Rose (A series where two books are one couple) by Leila James Goodreads Amazon Serpents (A trilogy) by Logan Fox Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble I bought mine locally at Sheridan Stationery Books and Gifts Dead Mountain (A murder/mystery) by Preston and Child Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble Locally, I bought mine at Sheridan Stationery Books and Gifts Claimed by the Mountain Man Goodreads Amazon Beautiful Sins by Cecila Lane Goodreads Amazon Claiming the Wolf Princess Goodreads Amazon Blacklisted by Angel Lawson Goodreads Amazon King of Carnage by R.E. Bond Goodreads Amazon And that's all of them. It was hit or miss this month. Some books I really enjoyed while there were a couple I DNF. No, I'm not going to share which ones. As always, I hope you see something that sparks your interest, and you fall in love with it. Happy Reading. X Brooke Winter feels like it's right around the corner here which has me already bundled up.
Over the weekend I wrapped up Cupid, thankful the story finally came to me. This week, I get to turn my focus onto a story I've been daydreaming about. It'll be my first try at a menage. I'm both nervous and excited about writing it. I don't have much else to share this week. I'll be back on Friday with my monthly recap of all the books I've read. x Brooke I can't believe this week the second book of my mountain lion shifters is coming out! This book series came to me while on the mountain fishing and honestly, well before that after years of going to one location I always thought would have made a neat mountain town. I crafted it all up in my noggin and brought it to life in the words of first The Mating Call and now The Mating Haze.
This book follows the second sister, Laramie, on her journey to finding her mate and figuring out who she is and what she's meant to do with her life. Of course, antics between siblings is probably my favorite part of this series especially between Laramie and Sheridan. The paperback is available now, so if that's your preferred reading material, make sure to pick up a copy on Amazon today! You might even get it before Thursday when the ecopy comes out! I'm 13k words deep into the new version of Cupid's book and much happier with it. And after this book? Well ... you see there's going to be a murder van, psychos pouring milk before the cereal, and a mentally unstable woman who can talk to her sister in her head. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about that one. But that's all the tease I'm going to give you for now. Have a great week! x Brooke I've finished the first rough draft for this fall and now turning my focus back onto the one that caused me an issue to start ... Cupid. With a fresh look at what I need to do thanks to finding old notes, I'm putting my focus on that ethereal man and getting this final book of the Heartstrings Series done!
We have snow starting to show up in the higher peaks of the mountain and I want to get back up there to do some more pictures. Maybe we can this coming weekend with the solar eclipse coming up. We aren't supposed to get the full thing but still get to see some of it. We're ten days away from The Mating Haze's release. There's more wildness of my Mackenzie family especially between Laramie (who's book this is) and Sheridan. WIFI name changes, acting like a bad bitch, and wild passion is what's in store for this book! x Brooke October is here and we are done with hunting season (thank you archery). Well, the husband did get a deer yesterday we ended up giving to friends who could really use the meat. But, we're done!
This week has me entering the home stretch with my current WIP as well as getting closer to The Mating Haze coming out in a few weeks! Today, I'm bundled up in a hoodie and getting ready start writing for the week. I don't have much to share this week. Have a great one! x Brooke |
February 2025