That's what I was turned into this morning. If you're in the US and watch the Weather Channel, I'm sure you saw how much Wyoming got hit over the weekend. Truthfully, aside from I80, it really isn't that out of the norm for the state. Even then, it's pretty normal for that stretch of interstate to be bad. Anywho, I made the mistake of not starting my car over the weekend and had to contend with a massive moving snowball first thing this morning. First, I had to leave it running for 30 minutes only for all the doors but one to remain frozen. So, with kids already loaded up, I crawled all around and used myself as a battering ram to get the rest of the doors opened up. Add in the fact I had to deal with people who forgot Wyoming does get snow and ice and not know how to drive in it, I'm a ball of rage first thing this morning.
Good thing my first chapter for the day has my FMC getting pissed off. Perfect fuel for that fire. That's about all I have for you. I'm hoping that by the end of the week I'll be able to start recording for My Cowboy's audiobook! Also, I'll get What Brooke Read by the end of the week or weekend as well. Have a wonderful warm week! x Brooke
Seeing as this is my own website, I can share this sexier teaser the powers that be on social media don't allow.
We're you given a chance to read over the weekend? Was it Hit on You? If not, I'd still love to hear what book you did read. My 30th release was last week, and it blows my mind I'm that far. All those years ago when I was seated on my couch with a sleeping baby and writing My Cowboy, I would have never imagined I'd get this far. For a long time, I feared I wouldn't have enough stories to keep me going but you should see the notebook I have filled with ideas, some that may never see the light of day and others I'm currently working toward. I'm currently working on a spin-off book to my Long Claw Pride Series that'll be coming out next year as part of a collaboration with some other PNR authors. It'll take me through the end of the month and at least the first week of February before I'm onto the next Long Claw Pride book. Can you guess what sibling it'll be? That's about it for the week. If you haven't had a chance at getting Hit on You here's the link. The paperback is now up as well! Amazon As always, have a wonderful week. x Brooke My thirtieth book comes out in just 3 Days! I can't believe how far I've come. And of course, Hit on You is a standalone. I thought it was fitting for this milestone release. Luke and Nikolai came to me in a period of time I was pretty down after losing someone important to me. Dark as this story hopefully is, it's special to me.
This week, I'm starting a book for a project with many other authors, my story coming next year. I don't have much more to share for this week. Here are the links for Hit on You. It's currently up for pre-order! x Brooke Yes, the picture above is by yours truly. I was out and about with the husband this past weekend and ended up at my parents' house where I took this. If you follow me on social media, I do a daily dose of beauty post and for the past several months, I've been using pictures I take. I love photography, especially landscapes and wildlife. Yes, my children too but that's just for me and close friends and family. I love this shot. Definitely going to end up in my top pictures of 2023 already.
That's not all having me feeling great about the start of this year. I'm almost done with my first manuscript for the year. The story I'm working on is coming out next year. I had it done one way for a while now and it just wasn't sitting right with me so I started all over again. I'm 26k words so far and will have it done this week. I don't have much else to share with you, mainly because my face feels like I've been repeatedly punched - thanks head cold. Have a wonderful one! x Brooke I'm tired. We had a fun New Year's weekend with friends and family and now I'm dragging today. With the beginning of the new year, I'm starting the third and hopefully last draft on a book coming out next year. I'm determined to get this story right! I'm pretty excited for 2023. The books coming out both by me and as well as so many incredible authors, the adventures my boys and I have planned that has be waiting for summer, and just life in general.
Oh! And Indiana Jones. Harrison Ford was my first celebrity crush and I can't wait to see him in the final film that had my young heart fluttering. The man is still good looking. I hope your New Year's was wonderful and that your year is a great one. I'm generally a pretty positive person which wars with the realist in me all the time. I'm a firm believer that it isn't a year that dictates how your life goes but you. Think of each day as a fresh start and choose to be positive. I've got a pinched nerve in my bum and still not letting it hold me back every day. Take 2023 by the horns and bring that steer under your control. As always, have a wonderful one! x Brooke |
February 2025